柑普茶 【錦繡五福禮罐|Puer in Dried Tangerine - Five Fortunes Gift Set

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禮罐盛著五個錦繡牡丹花開福袋,各藏柑普茶一個,喻意「花開富貴 . 五福吉祥」。 送上「壽」、 「富」、 「貴」、 「康」、「德」等五福,是對摯愛親朋在新一年的美滿祝願。 每個柑普茶均採用新會一線陳皮產區茶坑及天馬的大紅柑,釀以優質醇和雲南宮廷普洱,經手工日曬配製而成。以沸水沖泡,陳果香馥鬱,茶湯甘甜醇和滑喉。 大紅柑與普洱茶結合,有健脾養胃、清熱解毒、化痰止咳、降脂減肥、養顏美容以及抗動脈硬化、抗衰老和醒酒等各種功效,是老少鹹宜的上佳茶品。 ---------------------------- 淨重:共150克 產地:中國廣東(大紅柑)雲南(普洱) Total 5 pcs of Mandarin Puerh in an elegant round-shape box. Inside each Mandarin puerh weighted average 30g each is packed in Peony pattern brocade bag. Peony is a symbol of prosperity, while the main ingredient Mandarin peel and puerh are both "getting older getting more value", imply a blessing of long life and healthy. Using the finest Guangdong Xinhui Tangerine Peel from Chahang/Tinma Villages and aged Imperial ripe puerh from Yunnan. Quality tangerine peels are said to nourish the stomach and strengthen respiratory system. Infusion is brown with peel fragrance, a sweet aftertaste and smooth finish. Net weight: 150g Origin: Yunnan (Puerh Tea), Guangdong, China (Dried Tangerine)

Product Details

【戀茶慶佳節 軼事滿團圓】

禮罐盛著五個錦繡牡丹花開福袋,各藏柑普茶一個,喻意「花開富貴 . 五福吉祥」。 送上「壽」、 「富」、 「貴」、 「康」、「德」等五福,是對摯愛親朋在新一年的美滿祝願。




把大紅柑的柑皮掰碎和普洱茶按比例配來沖泡,一般兩人投茶量建議用柑果皮1-2g 普洱茶6g

茶具:用紫砂壺, 瓷壺或蓋碗均可。

實際上可按各人口味, 用不同的茶與柑皮比例,泡出自己最喜歡的味道。

品嚐柑普茶,當先品茶,後賞柑香。首數泡普洱醇滑,喉韵舒適;及至茶湯慢慢轉淡, 茶湯仍帶大紅柑皮的陳香,甘甜更明顯,嚐著心曠神宜。



【Festive Elegance Series - Five Fortunes Gift Set】

Total 5 pcs of Mandarin Puerh (puerh in dried tangerine) in an elegant round-shape box. Inside each Mandarin puerh weighted average 30g each is packed in Peony pattern brocade bag. Peony is a symbol of prosperity, while the main ingredient Mandarin peel and puerh are both "getting older getting more value", imply a blessing of long life and healthy.

Using the finest Guangdong Xinhui Tangerine Peel from Chahang/Tienma Villages and aged Imperial ripe puerh from Yunnan. 

Infusion is brown with peel fragrance, a sweet aftertaste and smooth finish.


Quality tangerine peels are said to nourish the stomach and strengthen respiratory system; also, helpful on weight control, anti-aging and soften the blood vessels, etc.


【Brewing Instructions】

Tear the tangerine peel into small pieces, then match the proportion about "1 or 2g to 6g" for a mix of "dried peel to tea".  The proportion and quantity of tea used can be adjusted according to individual's preference. 

Using 100℃ water temperature for rinsing and brewing tea

Brewing time: very short or just 3 to 5 seconds in the first few brewing, then increase the time to half minutes or longer when more infusions have been made. (using big pot for a group of people otherwise, can take 2 to 3 minutes in the first brewing)

Tea ware: Ceramic pot,  purple clay pot and lid tea bowl are all suitable.


Net weight: 150g

Origin: Yunnan (Puerh Tea), Guangdong, China (Dried Tangerine)

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