金花六堡 First Grade Ripe Liubao【2000】




茶調:此乃新工藝六堡茶,陳化已久,窖藏佳。乾茶色澤黑褐油潤,耐沖泡,帶天然金花,湯色紅濃,香氣陳純,滋味甘醇濃厚,典型「紅、濃、陳、醇」六堡茶滋味。 特色:六堡茶以去濕用效顯著聞名星馬南洋多年,對腸胃不適很有幫助。「金花」是黑茶特有的益生菌,有助減肥及多種保健作用,天然出金花的黑茶必須乎合良品、帶年份及窖藏佳三個條件,非常珍貴。 淨重:100克一小包 產地:廣西梧州 Tea Note:This First Grade Ripe Liubao was aged since 2000 with mellow and sweet taste. Characteristics:Liubao is a type of dark tea other than puerh. Value further added for it contains "Golden flower of dark tea", medical term is Eurotium cristatum, a new fungi probiotic from dark tea, alleviated obesity by modulating gut microbiota and many other benefits for health and disease curing. Weight : 100g per bag Origin : Guangxi Wuzhou

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